WEEK #22 MAY 29th, 2023

Dear Customers, Every year when June rolls around I’m physically struck by just how beautiful this area we call home can become.  The word, “lush” pops up every time I try to describe the Pennsylvania Wilds to a relative or friend who doesn’t live around here.  We are truly blessed, particularly this time of year. …

WEEK #21 MAY 22nd, 2023

Dear Customers, Calendars are a helpful and necessary invention.  Without them, I’d forget appointments, birthdays and assorted celebrations!  They are based upon astronomical cycles according to fixed rules.  For instance, the first day of Winter is on or about December 21st.  Where we live, we’ve had plenty of cold weather and even some snow by…

WEEK #20 MAY 15th, 2023

Dear Customers, The middle of May is one of my favorite times of the year.  The leaves on our huge maple tree are slowly unfurling, providing shade where there hasn’t been any for the past seven months.  Blossoms on the fruit trees my dad planted are opening up to the sunshine and the ministrations of…

WEEK #19 MAY 8th 2023

Dear Customers, If you are a carnivore, like me, meat is an important and well-loved part of your diet.  There are many, many methods for cooking meat and all of them have their advantages and disadvantages. Among these are steaming, boiling, slow-cooking, stir frying, sauteing, poaching, roasting, broiling, pressure cooking, deep frying and my personal…

WEEK #18 MAY 1st, 2023

Dear Customers, It’s not a contest by any means because I can find something to love about each of the 12 months of the year, but May & June have got to be right up there at the top of the list.  The maple trees are leafing out, the temperatures become more moderate and all…