WEEK #52 DECEMBER 26th, 2022

Dear Customers, There is an old fable about a young swineherd who accidentally burned down his family’s cottage killing the nine pigs trapped inside.  While trying to invent a plausible explanation, he became tempted by the delicious smell emanating from the burning rubble.  He had some difficulty getting his father to take a taste because…

WEEK #51 DECEMBER 19th, 2022

Dear Customers, From the time I was a little boy, whenever I’d hear Christmas carols, I’d start getting really excited for the holiday!  It was probably because Christmas was right around the corner! Sixty years ago, you never heard Christmas music on the radio until December!  Now, kids are going door-to-door for Halloween and satellite…

WEEK #50 DECEMBER 12, 2022

Dear Customers, You’ve no doubt heard it said, “an elephant never forgets!”  Humans, however, are prone to forgetfulness.  We forget mercifully, habitually, and conveniently!   When my oldest son was born in 1975, I wasn’t allowed in the delivery room which was fine with me.  However, for births two through five I was expected to be…

WEEK #49 DECEMBER 5th, 2022

Dear Customers, It seems hard to believe that over 90% of 2022 is history.  In fact, all that’s left is the month of December!  But the last month of the year promises to be chock full of so much festivity that it will sap your energy and try your patience. For the next three weeks…