WEEK #26 JUN 27th 2022

Dear Customers, The week on which we are about to embark is the culmination of nearly 250 years of independence for our great nation.  We sometimes lose sight of the solemnity and the sacrifice our forefathers endured to forge the United States of America.  It’s easy to get caught up in today’s pageantry; fireworks, picnics,…

WEEK #25 JUN 20th, 2022

Dear Customers, The first federal holidays were created in 1870 when Congress gave paid leave to works in Washington, D.C. for New Year’s Day, the 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Other holidays were added later because it was so well received and in 1875, some 15 years after that, Congress extended the benefit to…

WEEK #24 JUN 13th, 2022

Dear Customers, Sometime during the middle of this week, June will already be half over!  Slow down, why don’t you.  Logically, I know that every day of the year is pretty much the same length.  Why then do the days when I look out the window at ice and snow seem to last so much…

WEEK #23 JUNE 6TH 2022

Dear Customers, If I consider each of the 12 months for their plusses and minuses, its easy to penalize certain months when ranking them 1 through 12. For me at least, January, February and March are all tied for last place. There are several others who rank in the middle of the pack or between…