WEEK #30 JULY 22nd, 2024

Dear Customers,           Don’t you just love an election year?  Well, I don’t!  Political ads, finger pointing, outrageous claims for and/or against. . . “I’m (fill-in-the-blank) and I approve this gross exaggeration”.  It just gets old months before it’s actually time to vote!           There is one claim that I do agree with, but I…

WEEK #28 JULY 8th, 2024

Dear Customers, With the month of July now in full swing, there are certain annual events that I look forward to as an integral part of summer.  I’m talking about vacations, family picnics, fireworks over the Lake, fireflies blinking on and off in a nighttime meadow, and visiting with people who were once from here…

WEEK #27 JULY 1st, 2024

Dear Customers, The first week of July begins the second half of the year.  That’s right, 2024 is officially half over sometime on July 1st!  It’s also the anniversary of our country’s independence from England some 248 years ago.  This Thursday, July 4th, will be commemorated with ceremonies, parades, fireworks and picnics among friends and…

WEEK #26 JUNE 24th, 2024

Dear Customers, In a little over a week from now, our great nation will celebrate its 248th birthday with pageantry, parades, and pyrotechnics!  The actual day falls on a Thursday this year, which as always, is a federal holiday.  If you’re angling to get a four-day weekend, however, you’re probably going to have to dig…

WEEK #25 JUNE 17th, 2024

Dear Customers, When we moved into this building back in 2003, we inherited among other things, a double-door cooler located at the end of aisle #1.  It had been used for cut flowers, bouquets and the like.  Over the years we’ve pressed it into service at best sporadically.  It has probably been empty or nearly…

WEEK #23 JUNE 3rd-9th, 2024

Dear Customers, Old age has rendered my vocal cords nearly as decrepit as all the rest of my organs!  It wasn’t always that way, however.  Once upon a time I sang in the school choirs, for the Swingin’ 70’s (and 60’s prior to that) and often soloed at wedding ceremonies – including my own! The…

WEEK #22 MAY 27th, 2024

Dear Customers, Even though our warehouse carries thousands upon thousands of items from which we can stock our shelves, there are still those times when a different product or perhaps a different brand is exactly what you are looking for.  While some grocery stores make no effort to accommodate special requests posed to us by…

WEEK #21 MAY 20th, 2024

Dear Customers, Many Americans flee the cold climate we’re blessed with around here from the end of October until well into the late part of April.  That’s not to say that we don’t get some gorgeous days during that span, but for the most part, “dark, gray, cloudy and cold” is the norm!  I completely…

WEEK #20 MAY 13th – 19th

Dear Customers, The world wide web, or “the internet” as I often refer to it, has been around for 35 years already.  It’s hard to believe it’s been available that long, but it just celebrated its birthday on March 12th.  My first contact with it was on a visit to the campus of Penn State…

WEEK #19 MAY 6th 2024

Dear Customers, I did it again!  I missed writing a column about the most important event happening this week, Mother’s Day.  This seems to have become a usual occurrence for me because when I start typing a column for a particular week and I have to do it a month early, I never remember to…