WEEK #16 APRIL 17, 2023

Dear Customers,

Three years ago, when we were first becoming familiar with the words “pandemic” and “Covid”, the prevailing expert opinion was that if everybody just stayed home from school and work, it would run its course in two or three weeks, tops!   As days and weeks turned into months and ultimately years, we began to realize that this disease was in it for the long haul. Cancellations and shortages began affecting virtually everyone, all the time.  Businesses closed – never to reopen and the commercial landscape hasn’t been quite as robust since.

We’ve certainly suffered through supply chain issues ourselves and here, three years later, we’re still faced with multiple pages of out of stocks on every invoice.  That’s why, last month when our manager went to Connecticut for the Spring Food Show we really didn’t know what to expect.  Well, to say that he was pleasantly surprised would be an understatement.

I received an e-mail from him on the last day of the show in which he suggested I call attention to the large number of new items and “pallet buys” offered at this year’s show.  As you might expect, when you buy a large quantity of a product  you’re often eligible for a better price!  We pre-ordered some 25 full pallets of product, not only in the grocery, dairy and frozen departments but in Produce and Meat as well.

When you preorder items at these shows, they always offer a couple of different “ship dates” when they will send it out to the store.  Our first delivery will be sometime in the first week of May so about two weeks from now.  They will continue throughout the summer so make sure to shop our displays when you come to Costa’s.  The savings attributed to these price reductions are destined for your pockets – not ours!