WEEK #36 SEPTEMBER 6th – 12th

Dear Customers,

Many’s the time I’ve bemoaned the fact that due to printing deadlines, I have to write this column 3 or 4 weeks before you read it.  That’s usually not a problem but it becomes so when it pertains to time-sensitive information.  I often completely forget that there’s going to be a certain holiday in the week I’m writing about because, let’s face it, who really thinks about Mother’s Day or Father’s Day a month ahead of time?  Then, instead of writing something actually pertaining to that holiday, I miss the boat entirely.

It also comes into play when we initiate a new service, remodel or improvement at store level that I think you’d be interested in hearing about.  I hesitate to announce something that isn’t yet in place in case there are further delays.  There are many new projects in the works, but my son insists I err on the side of caution and don’t tip our hand until the new developments are actually in the store and operating!  I can understand his reticence.  We’ve all become more cautions and more cynical since the pandemic hit.  Orders that used to take a few months to arrive are now seemingly taking several months.   Guarantees have hopes become hopes and sometimes dreams!

One thing I can report on is our recent trip to Connecticut for the huge Food Show.  My son Josh and our store manager, Paul spent Monday through Wednesday perusing the offerings available to us at substantial savings and committing a record amount of money to future purchases.  Unlike some of our competitors, when we receive a hot price on an item, we pass the savings on to you.  You can be sure in the coming several months as these super-hot buys come trickling in.

Deals scheduled at this food show will be arriving from now until the end of the year up to and including Thanksgiving and Christmas. We were even able to order our turkeys 3 months before we need them.  There will also be new items as well as substantial savings on many of your old favorites.

Our perishable departments: meat, deli, produce, and bakery were again able to take advantage of food show pricing by shopping on-line.  In a relatively small operation such as ours, its not feasible for all our department heads to be gone for such a long time, simultaneously.  Fortunately, the vast majority of items available in person are also available on-line. The one glaring hardship is that they don’t get to visually experience what they’re buying or take part in the open forums that are scheduled throughout the week.  Be that as it may, we’re confident that we’ve been able to secure some extraordinary deals that will be on the way to our store very soon.  And, in doing so, we were able to lock in the best prices!  Walk our aisles and watch as the bargains begin piling up!