WEEK #32 AUGUST 7-13th 2023

Dear Customers,

In a couple more weeks, I’ll be turning 69 years old.  While that’s not an accomplishment I can take any credit for, it seems to be a big deal to those who think I retired several years ago!  I’m just a little flabbergasted when a friend or acquaintance I haven’t seen in a while comes up to me and asks, “So, how are you enjoying your retirement?”

My stock answer goes something like this, “I’ll let you know after I retire!”  Most people are completely floored by that because the automatic age to retire is 65, or sooner if you have all your longevity requirements (time served).  By way of comparison, my older brother retired at 59!  Of course, that didn’t prevent him from showing up nearly every day and making his opinions known – often vociferously!

I guess I can understand why some people might think I’m no longer around.  I keep a pretty low profile at the supermarket these days.  I wander in around 7:30 and by noon I’m on my way out.  I started this abbreviated schedule over three years ago after my surgery and the onset of Covid 19.  My son set me up with a nice computer at home that allows me to dial in to my work computer and do, well pretty much anything I can do sitting at my desk at the store.

The fact of the matter is that I’m actually in no hurry to retire.  I know some people start looking forward to it beginning on the first day they punch a time clock.  I’m just not one of them.  The way things are now I have the satisfaction of getting something meaningful accomplished every day while still having time for yard work and the few hobbies I enjoy, relaxing with a good book as well as staring at the inside of my eyelids for 30 minutes or so!  My Dad was still working the week he died – at age 89½.  I have my work cut out for me!