WEEK #19 MAY 6th 2024

Dear Customers,

I did it again!  I missed writing a column about the most important event happening this week, Mother’s Day.  This seems to have become a usual occurrence for me because when I start typing a column for a particular week and I have to do it a month early, I never remember to check the calendar for these once-a-year happenings, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day in particular!  I don’t have that problem with Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter because I get constant reminders from our Advertising Department several weeks ahead of time!

Fortunately, I was able to catch my mistake before the ad went to print – this time!  I had already written a “Dear Customer” for this week, but I’ll just push it back till next week and come up with something “timelier”!

Mother’s Day is arguably a more popular holiday than, say, Father’s Day.  Particularly at our house.  There’s absolutely no question who the favorite parent is at the Costa household.  And that’s how it should be to my way of thinking.  What’s more I would assume it’s probably that way for the majority of households across the country.  When an athlete finds himself the focus of attention after a particularly stupendous play, and the camera moves in tight for a shot, you rarely see any of them mouthing the words, “Hi Dad!!”

So this weekend, when you’re racking your brain trying to come up with a suitable “thank you” to Mom for all her hard work and years of TLC, consider picking out one of our beautiful floral bouquets or potted plants available in the produce department.  Or perhaps, Mom would enjoy a break from meal preparation on her special day.  There’s nothing quite so appreciated as getting a day off from your usual household tasks.

And if you don’t want to do the actual cooking, you could order a nice platter of succulent beef on Weck from our meat department served on freshly baked Kummelweck rolls from our bakery!  Show Mom just how much she means to y