WEEK #4 JANUARY 22, 2024

Dear Customers,

As we complete the first full month of Winter this week, it becomes more and more important that we eat healthy and well to maintain and even improve our overall health. When our ancestors sought to preserve food to last them through the lengthy winter months, they employed canning, salting, drying as well as storing it in a cool, underground “root” cellar.

Fortunately, in today’s global economy, we are able to procure fresh fruits and vegetables from the southern party of this country as well as Mexico, Central and South America – literally the year ‘round.  In fact, some of the sweetest, tastiest citrus fruit becomes available in the dead of winter.

My wife and I enjoy sitting on the couch at night watching TV and sharing several oranges.  By sharing, I mean, she peels them, and I eat them!  One of the sweetest, most delectable oranges is the Sumo, distinguished by a rather prominent “outie” bellybutton!  Part of their allure is that they are only available for a few short weeks, but they’re so tasty, I’d eat them year around if I could.

Many of the diseases associated with a lack of fresh fruits and vegetables are virtually non-existent in this country due to their availability in your local supermarkets.  We employ two different major suppliers for our fresh produce,

2/3 c tomato sauce 1 ½ cups lima beans 1 cup matchstick carrots
1 cup choppd bell pepper 1 cup plum tomatoes 1 cup chopped spinach
2 ¼ c vegetable broth ¾ tsp Italian seasoning ¾ tsp garlic powder
¾ cup tsp crushed red pepper 3 pinches of salt  

and we are constantly on the lookout for the best price and the best quality.  This recipe for Vegetable Soup will taste great and be good for you.  That’s not always the case with foods that taste great!

Combine all ingredients, bring to a boil, then reduce and simmer to marry flavors.